Friday, October 24, 2014

school photos '14

Having a lot of kids in school means paying out the wazuu for school pictures. For just the basic package, it would have cost us over $100 on lame pictures.

So I ordered a backdrop for a quarter of that price and took my own.

Pat my own back, toot my own horn.

Should have thought about this looooong ago.

Corgan, grade 6.

Lily, grade 4.

Blake, grade 2.

Cade, kindergarten.

Oneil, my sidekick all the livelong day.

Carly, cutest curly girl in the universe.

The boys.

The girls.

All six of 'em.


Ashley Calaway said...

Such a beautiful family!

ericksonzone said...

Great photos! Did you take them?

ray-ray says said...

I did take them!!