Thursday, May 31, 2012

best friends forever. and ever.

This beautiful girl has been on my mind lately.

I love her.

She is so strong in so many ways.

I think of her whenever I listen to this song.

I wish I could move the mountains for her.

I love her.


maggie said...

Derek and Forrest, Here's another pair of hands for you to hold :)

Hoovy4 said...

She's blessed to have you as a friend. And I agree. She is so strong.

ericksonzone said...

That is a great picture...and an even better song. I'm sure that she is strong...I can only imagine...and friends like you will help them through. Good one.

Jolie said...

Both Derek and Forrest have always struck me as very stong, faithful people. When they lived here, whenever either of them got up to bear their testimony, I'd get excited because I knew it was going to be awesome and faith-building.
It's crazy what some among us are called to endure in this life. All I know is that God knows THEM so well, He knows this heartache will make them even stronger and prepared for eternal life with Him.
Funny, the song that reminds me of them right now is "stronger" by kelly clarkson. ;-)