Sunday, April 26, 2009

Don't you just love it when the Sacrament tray is being passed, and your little one takes not only one piece of bread, but an entire handful, and happily shoves his fist full in his mouth and chomp, chomp, chomps away?

Maybe that's why when the tray came to you, it was empty.


Pamela Brown said...

Yeah my kids have done that. My favorite is when the can't decided what piece they want so they touch every piece before putting one in their mouth.

Unknown said...

Haha!!! Oh my gosh! I saw a little kid do this once...I could NOT stop laughing! Everyone thought I was not being reverent. It wasn't my fault. ;)


love it! kids are the greatest!

The Dillon 6 said...

haha! but better than pulling a tray of water on you.

good thing we bless it.

Raych the brain Stangle said...

amen to that! for the longest time Emma would not be able to finish the last little dregs from her sacramental water (honestly? really a spit shot of water and she can't finish it?) and it would end up on me every time even if i wasn't sitting next to her -no lie.

Jolie said...

my most embarassing sacrament moment (so far) was the time when Jaclyn went to put her half drunk little cup of water in the bottom part of the tray, and then spilled some of HER cup in about three of the undrunk cups.
I just prayed that nobody saw it. Hey, what you don't know won't hurt you, right?

Smith Family said...

At least he didn't flip the whole tray on the ground like Jake did. He had the whole Aaronic priesthood group belly laughing.