Monday, February 2, 2009

let's get physical

Can I tell you how good it felt to be back in saddle, trying to get rid of "the saddle"?

Wait. Why am I asking for your permission? It's my blog. I'll tell you what I want to.

I LOOOOOOOOVED IT!!! feel the burn of sweatin' off the fatty-fat-fat.

I decided to start it off in a gym for about a month. I loathe working out in a gym. But I'm trying to not overdo it and screw up my knee again. So for the first little while I'm forcing myself to just use the Elliptical and bike. No pounding.

Come on and join in the fun of altering your body! You'll feel better, I promise!!


Jolie said...

What gym are you going to? And what time of the day do you normally go? I'd LOVE to join you in altering my body. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. by my 30th birthday. I only have 7 months to do it.
Can I do it??? We'll see. Of course, it doesn't help that as I type this, I'm also eating a big bowl of Captain Crunch cereal with whole milk 'cause we're out of 1%.

I'll call you!!

Okay, is this a bad omen or what?? You know the word verification that you have to type in order to post comments? You know, those random, scrambled words? Well, this time, this is the word: "sored"
As in, I started exercising again for the first time in a year and a half and I felt really sored.

Pamela Brown said...

You are so good to be exercising. The other day in the car Corgan said he is a good runner and that he learned everything about running from his mom. It was really cute.

ray-ray says said...

i'm just going to 'the gym' gym. the times vary because of cade's feeding schedule is different. but if it starts to get somewhat consistent, we should totally workout together!!
i need to lose 30 lbs, too.
not only for my sisters wedding, but my 10 high school reunion. both are the end of august. blah!!

Momoko Photography said...

I'm already there friend.

Melissa said...

It does feel good to get back in the "saddle" again after having a baby. Good job! Are you even supposed to be working out yet though....didn't you have a baby like last week? There's no way it's been six weeks yet!