Thursday, November 27, 2008

gobble, gobble

First--Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Second--the Tuesday's with Dorie Thanksgiving Twofer Pie was not so good. Good in theory, but not so good to eat. It sounded yummy--mixing pumpkin and pecans together to get a "twofer" one. But I think I prefer keeping them separate.

Third--the other pie I made, a sort of caramel, apple with a different sort of crust, was to die for!! I had three slices. One for me, and two for the baby.

Sorry there are no pictures for you to drool over. ;)


Liz said...

You can do a three-for, Carmel Apple pecan, which is what I made yesterday and turned out really well.

Leslie said...

Mmm...caramel apple...mmm... Sorry the twofer wasn't thrilling!