Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm totally breaking the rules.
Aaron's rules.

I'm listening to this:

My husband stubbornly waits for Thanksgiving to be over before any Christmas-type thing can be brought out, put up or listened to. And me being the submissive wife obeys. ;)

But last year before we left to travel over the river and through the woods for Thanksgiving, I decorated our home with all things Christmas. I figured that when we returned home, it would be done and I wouldn't have to do it later.

Let's just say someone wasn't very appreciative of my pro-activeness.

I have the same desires this year. But I also have a load of laundry to fold ((it's actually more like 3 or 4)), bathroom to scrub, and packing for 5 people for our 4 day holiday travel, before we leave this afternoon.

Oh, well. He can win this one.


Rachael said...

Chris is the same way. He worked retail for too long to enjoy Christmas music, so I play it in the car when he's not there until about halfway through December. I love my grinch, though.

Angie said...

Haha. Allen is the same way. But this year I decided that I'm thankful for Christmas, so I put up the tree early to remind myself of that on Thanksgiving. ;) I didn't decorate it or anything, just put it up.

Anonymous said...

that's usually my rule. But I think I NEED the Christmas music this year. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

And that album looks AWESOME!!

Jason said...

Aaron, Your rule is the best. Don't let Rachel wear you down.

Emily and Nathan said...

I must say I am with Aaron on this one. Nathan thinks I am ridiculous but it really annoys me to see Christmas lights up before thanksgiving. I think we need to just enjoy thanksgiving before we get to Christmas.