Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Easter weekend was nice. And simple. We hit 2 egg hunts on Saturday and had dinner with friends on Sunday. My sister, Lael came over to watch Corgan sing in church. We got to church when they were singing the opening hymn so all the other kids were already on the stand. He didn't want to go up at first but being a resourceful mom, I quickly bribed him with a piece of gum and he happily went on the stand chewing away. He sang his little heart out and even in the places where he didn't know the words, it looked as if he did because he was chewing the gum with his mouth open. ;) At one point I thought he was waving at me, so I waved back. He shook his head and motioned with his hands and with his voice that he wanted Blake to wave at him, not his mom. Whatever.

notice aaron ironing in the background
the dad's hiding the eggs
it was a little windy

here's a picture from last year. it's proof that lily really is growing.

thankful things:

1- blake is giving kisses!!!! and he took a step yesterday all by himself!!!
2- corgan back at pre-school. and lily is going, too!
3- visiting teaching. a friend that i visit teach called yesterday in a panic because her kitchen was being taken over with a swarm of ants. her husband wasn't home from work yet and so i went over and helped her vacuum and spray those pesky insects.


Stan and Jamie said...

Sooooo cute!!! And sorry, but I still don't buy it...Lilly doesn't look any bigger, just more hair!! ;) Glad you guys had a good Easter!

The Dillon 6 said...

cute, Cute, CUTE! Sounds like you had a great Easter!!