Tuesday, February 19, 2008

sunny day, sweepin' the clouds away

The conditions were just right today for some playtime outside without it being fah-reezing. It was Blake's first time playing outside without any snow. He was of course putting everything in his mouth. Hercules even pushed his brother and sister on their trikes. The show-off.

thankful things:
1- pistachio's
2- warmer weather
3- finally! a doctor's appointment, tomorrow @ 1:15!!!


Anjuli Fry said...

I can't believe how big he is. I wish it would warm up here, whenever it gets above 50 degrees it seems to rain. My kids could use some outdoor time.

The Dillon 6 said...

wow...it looks like it must have soared into the low 30s there! ;)

Jolie said...

I'm glad to hear that you are finally able to see a doctor!!! Hopefully you'll be back to running soon. God Speed!!! Literally.

Stan and Jamie said...

I can't believe how big Blake is, and especially that I've hardly ever seen him!! It's crazy-ness!! You'll have to let us know how your doctor appointment goes!