11 flippin' years old.
He was my first baby.
He's still my baby.
He wanted to be a cowboy when he grew-up. He was going to have a black horse named Riley.
I need to find Peter Pan and ask him how the Lost Boys never grow-up. I'll get back to you on that.
Because his birthday fell on one of the days for the 11 year-old Scout Camp, he got to go. But because he was also still 10 years-old for one of the days, Aaron got to go, too. Yay, Dad!
This is them at 5:15 yesterday morning. Look how adorable they are with matching puffy eyes!
They'll return all worn out and tired sometime around 9 tonight. Just in time to head over the mountain for the 4th. Kilt-o-Sac of FIRE!!!
But first, let's bawl together as we look at pictures of my baby.
Happy Birthday, Cowboy Corgan.
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