Friday, September 10, 2010

This was me about 3 weeks prior to Cade being born:

I think the picture speaks for itself.

Yesterday I had my first doctor's appointment for this pregnancy.

I'm 13-ish weeks in case you were wondering. March seem like an eternity away. And eternity and forever away....

For the record: I love my doctor. Looooooove him. He's delivered all four of my babies. And all four of my brother's babies. And all two of Aaron's sisters' babies. That's a total of ten, plus the one in my belly, makes eleven. See how smart I am? It pays to be married to a math teacher. Well, not really, but he does get summers, weekends and holidays off!

Back to my baby doctor. He is originally from San Antonio, Texas and has a very southern way to his doctoring. Very easy going, relaxed and his sense of humor is quietly funny. He and Aaron get along great. That's what's important after all in finding a baby doctor, is if he and your husband can get along. Not whether he has warm hands.

So even though we moved an hour and forty-five minutes away from our doctor after we had Corgan, he has remained my go-to man for delivering my babies. He doesn't drop them! But I do blame him for being pregnant again.

At each of my 6-week postpartum check-ups, he'd tell me he'd see me for the next one. Even though I told him we might be done after we had Cade, he informed me that, "Oh, you're having another one. I'll be seeing you again."

And he was right. Maybe he's some sort of baby prophet.

Probably not, but he's still awesome and totally worth the drive.


Plain City Dickamores said...

funny post:) i love you prego pic..

Pamela Brown said...

Sound like your family keeps him in pretty good business :) Does he predict the other families pregnancies too???

Sarah Katie said...

my mother always told me that math teachers have so many children because they love to multiply.