Thursday, September 17, 2009

take me here and i'll love you forever

After getting back from our last hurrah over Labor Day, I was ready to be home and back in action.

And by "action", I mean back to the sometimes boring, day-to-day, get 'em up and and off to school, grocery shopping, story time at the library, nap time, making dinner, watching t.v. ((the office starts tonight!!!!!!)), hanging out kind of action.

There's a definite nip in the air at night, and I can no longer just head out the door in the mornings with just a t-shirt and shorts.

Summer is basically over.


I do love fall and all the changes it brings. ((football!!))

I just have one regret of this past summer. Of all the places we visited, we didn't go to my absolutely, positively most favorite place in the whole wide world.


Wha?! Where's that, you ask. It's here:

It's the most westernly point of the continuous United States.

It's where my family would go camping. A lot.

It's where Aaron and I went for our honeymoon.

It's where I want to have my bones laid to rest, if for some reason the National Parks system let you do that sort of thing.

Aaron and I were once having one of those talks a few years back. You know the one about, "what would you do if I died..." kind of talk. His answer was he'd pack up the kids and go spend a week out at Ozette.

You're going to laugh. But that actually brought tears to my eyes and is making me teary just thinking about it now.

My body aches and my heart yearns to be there.

all photos found on google
Ozette is my happy place.


Nate and Marcie said...

That looks gorgeous! We might have to take a trip up there someday. My favorite place would have to be Bear Lake. It's my little heaven on earth. Love it.

Nate and Marcie said...

Oh, or Lake Powell, that's pretty heavenly too. :)

Smith Family said...

You mean you wouldn't want to spend it in Hillsboro, OR? C'mon..

Jolie said...

It looks like heaven on earth!! I can understand why that is your happy place.
..find a happy place, find a happy place... ;-)

Puhlman said...

The cool thing is that you would be there too. :) You said you wanted your body there right? Well maybe that is why he would take the kids there.

I hate those kind of talks that have to be talked about. Don and I rarely talk about them but when we do it sure makes me sad.

The Dillon 6 said...

don't you have to, like, hike in and stuff? ;)

I would like to go there. But we are car-campers. And I just can't see my family trudging out there with ALL of our STUFF...