Friday, March 20, 2009

only the lonely

Aaron is going away.

He leaves after work and won't be home until late tomorrow night.

I know it's not that long. Not like my sisters' husband who won't be coming home for dinner for another ten months. ((more on that later)) But
the end is near in the story that involved the fire department from a couple posts back. Hopefully it will be finished this weekend.

My concern is how am I going to sleep tonight without him next to me? His job has him home each evening. And we have a marriage that keeps us in the same bed together.

It's funny how accustom we become to another human being sleeping next to us. And how much it's noticed when that person is no longer breathing with us at night.

Who am I supposed to give a loving, sharp elbow to when he starts to snore?


Anonymous said...

Well, if you want advice from someone who is single & NOT used to sharing a bed...
I would say, spread out and enjoy your space while you can! :)
( could just pile all those cute burrito babies of yours in there with you)

Plain City Dickamores said...

rayray, i miss Jason when he is gone!! i love the whole bed to myself. I do what Tami says and enjoy the space. April is much stronger than us!!

The Dillon 6 said...

i missed the "fire station" entry??

I have a hard time sleeping when Doug is not here...I stay up as late as I can keep my eyes open, then I go up to bed, and sleep on his side of the bed.

impressive that you have not yet experienced this in your sweet, young, innocent life.

April is amazing. Military wives (spouses, really) are a breed all their own.

Jolie said...

That's when I grab the kids and declare it a slumber party in mom & dad's bed!! I hate sleeping in the bed alone too!
(hey, speaking of Aaron's trip to the west side, thank you so much for being so willing to take Josh to the airport, even though that didn't happen after all. You guys are great friends!!)