Sunday, December 21, 2008

Do your husbands feel the need to turn into stunt snow drivers every time it snows?

Mine does.


Jolie said...

That is a SWEET ride to be turning cookies in the snow with.
The teenage boy in Josh likes to come out when there's ice and snow on the roads, too. Not when the fam is in the car too, but when we still had the Jetta, I always caught him throwin' the e brake and spinning and sliding into our cul d'sac on his way home from work/class.

Tina said...

Looks like an old car chase scene!

The Dillon 6 said...

hahaha! My husband doesn't, but I sure do!!

Kelly Moore said...

My husband does, but our car is a fuddy duddy car that won't perform as recklessly as he would like. :) I'm a stick in the mud and hate any type of slipping in a vehicle... so, I don't let him do it if I'm in the car.


Mine does too. Although he does it when it rains too. :0) The kids think it is really cool. Not sure how I feel about that.

Nate and Marcie said...

What is it with men and snow? It's like they become 14 year old boys again and they have the keys to their parents car.
By the way, good luck on the 5th!
I can't wait to hear what this baby name is.

Pamela Brown said...

Justin does the same thing. It only bothers me when he does it in our van with the whole family in it, but the kids love and always ask him to do it more.

Rachel said...

FUN! .. hmm... IF we ever got snow here, I don't think Jeff would, but I certainly would have fun trying! It's the daredevil in me!

Melissa said...

What a cool picture! Good luck with the baby next week! You're going to be a mommy of four!