Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I love me some Pinterest.

The other day I saw this tutorial about using the sock bun to make curly hair. I know what you're thinking, "You already have curly hair. What are you trying to do, make it curlier?"

Not really. I thought it would come in handy if I ever straightened my hair and then wanted to curl it without a curling iron. Follow?

Well, you guys, it totally worked/works! For real. I went and cut up and old sock, put my damp hair in the bun thingy, slept on it overnight, and wonder of wonders, it turned out looking like this:

The awesome picture was the best I could do by myself. But I think you now have some motivation to try it out for yo'self.


maggie said...

It would be an understatement to say that I am jealous! Gorgeous!

Anna Schoenwald said...

but does your hair only look like that because you have naturally curly hair to begin with? would it work with my straight as a bone hair? it is gorgeous!!

Hoovy4 said...

Wonder if it would work on my hair....

Jill said...

oh my gosh i love it!!!