Friday, April 22, 2011

part two of two

As the end of my pregnancy was drawing to a large close; I was again worrying about if I'd be able to run or if I'd have to find a new hobby like cooking or cleaning.

I scoured the internet looking for a solution to my IT band problem.  Many, many, many things have been written about this chronic ailment that plagues a good majority of runners.  Since the pain is usually found around the knee, that's what most runner's think is wrong with their body.  But after proper diagnosis, the IT band could be the likely culprit.

Human Anat. and Phys. Lesson: The IT band is a ligament that runs from the iliac crest ((top of your hip)), down the outside of the thigh and attaches at the tibia bone ((your shin bone)).  Hence, the genius name of the iliotibial band.  Its main function is to provide stability to the outside of the knee joint.  Pain occurs when there is friction between the band and bone.  Reasons for the injury can range from increasing mileage too quickly, worn out shoes, running the same direction around the track/roads, running on banked surfaces.  End of lesson.

My problem was that 99.9% of my runs took me out on country roads, always running in the same direction.  And I may have upped my mileage too quickly before the marathon.  Oops.

I gleaned information from a few different sites to help me get that band back into running shape.  I invested in a foam roller and that, my friends, is a miracle worker.  It has become my best friend/worst enemy.  That thing has the power to bring me to tears as I'm rolling my thigh across the top of it.  It hurts so good.

I kept it safe for about a week and a half using the elliptical machine.  Then two weeks ago, I thought I would give it a go and try running once again.  I zipped up my jacket, stuck in my earbuds and shuffled through the songs until I found the right one that would help motivate me to move my feet.

My legs felt as if they had lead in them.  But I plodded along until the song was over, then turned around and listened to the song again while willing my stiff body to keep going.  With the exception of three days, I've gone running everyday.  And everyday it's getting a little easier, my body is remembering what it's like to be a runner.  To synchronize the movement of my arms and legs into a comfortable rhythm.  Taking strong and deep breaths to match that rhythm.  To be moving forward.  It's been a long time coming.


Plain City Dickamores said...

Good For You,keep going:) Erik is running the Hurdles today in Track, he is a little nervous!! A text from an Aunt would be nice

Hoovy4 said...

Love a foam roller! You're right - it hurts so good.
Planning on a run next Saturday morning...

Lore Smart said...

I'll bet you're
so excited to be running again Rachel. Dustin has been having pain in the IT band, resulting in pain in the knee. Great research on the foam roller. (he said that really loosening up the IT Band is important) He also mentioned to me that it could also be weak hip flexers and stregthening the hip muscles could help with IT band as well. Just thought I"d pass that bit of info on as we were just talking about it last night. Happy running Rachel ; )