Monday, June 14, 2010

down and dirty

Some awesome friends took pity on us apartment dwellers and offered up a spot of land on their ba-jillion acres for us to try and reep what we sow. And Saturday, we finally had a hot day with no work, wind or rain so we toiled and sweated all day long getting the garden ready to plant.

I even got to haul some cow poo and then shovel it out!

Kind of funny how that will make for some good eats come harvest time.

Is it me, or are my legs actually glowing brighter than the noon day sun? That's not funny. I obviously have some tanning to do. Pronto.

But it is also funny how playing in dirt is still fun whether you're 3 or 31. Instead of making engine noises, you actually get to use something that makes its own noise. And could chop off your feet if you're not careful.

When the kids filled their quota of laboring for 6 hours, we allowed them to cool off in the sprinklers.

I don't think having the sprinkler spraying you on the bum ever gets old.

And can I just say how unfair it is that my almost 7 year old has a six pack?

He's a little hottie, if I do say so myself.


Hoovy4 said...

what did you plant? We're trying broccoli and potototoes this year!

Mojo said...

Your pictures are looking really good!

Tina said...

What a sweet little plot...and kids! :O)

ericksonzone said...

That is exciting that you'll have a garden. We didn't get one in this year because our landlord is thinking of selling the house. We didn't want him to sell it and leave all of our precious harvest for the newcomers.

And my response on the wager...No! Aaron would kick my butt. The only person I'm competing against is me. And I was definitely singing/feeling the mommy body blues. I have a lot of work to do.

C. Jane Kendrick said...


That is old fashioned parenting, the kind I thought no longer existed in today's world. Good for you. They deserve a sprinkler in the bum. And six packs of at least some lemonade.

Happy Gardening!

Teachinfourth said...

Your post reminds me of going to my friend, Jess's house during the summers and his mom having us plant a row of corn and other stuff in the garden…I think it was to keep up busy with weeding and a sense of accomplishment.

Crack the whip…

BTW, I stumbled here via cjane...

Maggie May said...

adorable kiddos!

Hebdon's said...

Gardens are so fun. Just lots of work. The end product is wonderful. Your kiddos are getting so big. Miss you guys.