It's not happening until late, late July next year, but I am already counting down the days until Girls Camp!
I am still the Stake 4th Year Leader. Which means I still get to make the girls go on an overnight hike that makes them experience some sort of physical pain. And I talked those in charge, and they are letting me take them up for two nights before camp! Yessss! Seriously though, teenagers these days are soft and weak and need to PUT DOWN THEIR DANG PHONES!! I clearly have no strong opinion on how technology is ruining youth everywhere.
Yesterday, I was able to tag along with the Stake YW Presidency as they checked out our new digs for next year. Our stake has always, always camped at Ensign Ranch. Next year we're headed up the mountains to Camp Zarahemla. Camp Z, for short. Super excited.
It does have its pros and cons. But two of the biggest pluses is that we will be the only ones camping. No sharing!! (although sharing is caring) And it's also just a new place to try out. I think the girls are really going to like it.
((cell phone shots))
One of the really big cons is that the lake if fah-reezing cold. Like, cold enough that if you're in it for more than a few minutes, you die of hypothermia. Leeeeeetle cold. The brainstorming has begun for what other types of water stuff we can do with the girls.
Carly gnawing on my apple core on the way there. It kept her occupied for a good half hour.
((normal camera shots))
Some really cool mushrooms were growing everywhere up there.
This one was cool to see it popping up out of the earth.
And here's one that's fully popped up.
I was really excited to see the Larch trees!
Go here for a quick definition of them.
They are only this color right before their needles fall off.
Perfect timing!
Oneil sitting in a tree chair, not wanting to look at me take a picture.
SOO jealous you got to see the Larch trees!! I really wanted to go see them. We have been to Zarahemla. It is tiny compared to some of the other camps in the area. The ropes course is lamey lame town. But not sharing is such a bonus! And I'm sure the missionaries will tell you, but don't, seriously DON'T, overdo the water usage. The septic overflowed when we were there and it was Nasty! But, you will love it.